
Organic Fertilizer

The current statistics of word health organization (WHO 2021):

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally.
An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2019, representing 32% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack and stroke.
Over three quarters of CVD deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries.
Out of the 17 million premature deaths (under the age of 70) due to noncommunicable diseases in 2019, 38% were caused by CVDs.
Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioural risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol.


Organic fertilizer Solution is usually made from plant or animal waste, manure or compost. They can also be highly processed products with a compost or manure base.

advantages of using organic fertilizer to our ecosystem

  1. Soil Structure
    Because of the organic matter present in organic fertilizer, soil structure is improved and as a result the soil’s ability to hold onto water and nutrients increases it fertility for plant growth.
  2. Microbes Thrive
    Synthetic fertilizer consists of chemical molecules without carbon. These molecules can sometimes be disruptive and are not accessible to microbes. On the other hand, organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter, which helps microbes thrive. Organic fertilizer contains carbon as part of its chemical makeup; and it is the carbon, along with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that feeds microbes and enables them to make nutrients available for plants in a naturally occurring biological process.
  3. Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly

Synthetic fertilizers runoff into our waterways harming marine life and water quality. Organic fertilizers do not run off as easily (if at all) and are associated with soil fertilizer also increases species biodiversity by 30% compared with synthetic fertilizer.

  1. Reduce Fertilizers and Pesticides

Although organic fertilizer can be more costly than synthetic, it can reduce the need for pesticides and the overall nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium requirements. Because of the reductions, organic fertilizer can be cost neutral and sometimes a cost savings.

  1. Plant growth and Soil improvement

Some synthetic fertilizers can cause plant damage to leaves and roots. This is less likely with organic fertilizers.

Our intergration Precision Farming system

Mayal Precision Agriculture for Development (MPAD)
The company is working on a new model for agricultural extension: reaching farmers with personalized agricultural advice through their mobile phones in achieving this over 5000 farmers have been registered through our database. In the process of implementing this model, collaboration with partner organizations and government agencies like Federal Ministry of Agriculture and rural development (FMAD) and other organization building synergy to ensure precision agriculture in Nigeria come to stay. They aim to improve the lives of 100 million farmers in African with the services and support to existing systems.
In achieving these, the company is using two-way communication and information aggregation that offer farmers useful information customized by geography, market, and farmer characteristics. As farmers realize the benefits of this service, they have incentives to contribute accurate information into the system that will improve their recommendations over time. They incorporate insights from behavioral economics and social learning theory and make use of A/B testing and machine learning techniques designed to identify what types of information and delivery mechanisms work best for farmers.
Precision Agriculture for Development is transforming the way farmers in developing countries receive agricultural advice using research and technology.

Our Motivation:
Smallholder farms in Nigeria carry about 70% of the Nigerian population and over 87% of farmers live in rural areas where the use of technology and information is limited and as such brings inefficient and environmentally unsustainable agricultural practices. Small changes in agricultural practices can substantially improve productivity and profitability when our company is now creating platform to orient farmers at the local levels. However, offering farmers standardized agricultural advice has limited effectiveness due to variation in local conditions and farmer characteristics. Traditional extension systems have been unable to incorporate and disseminate this information to farmers, in part due to the high costs of operating in rural areas. 
In developed countries, precision agriculture technologies are transforming agricultural production by allowing farmers to better target inputs and management decisions to local conditions. In developing countries, most precision agriculture technologies are beyond the reach of most farmers. However, several technological innovations have created new opportunities to provide customized information to farmers:
– Mobile soil analysis labs with spectroscopy improve access to high quality soil data
– Satellite and drone photographs enable data collection and validation from above
– New weather prediction models generate real-time estimates useful to farmers
– Widespread mobile phone use facilitates information delivery and collection
These technologies can be combined with the best available research to improve information content and messaging effectiveness:
– Behavioral economics can improve messaging and encourage adoption
– Social learning theory can facilitate the diffusion of relevant information
– Big data and machine learning allow for personalized advice
– A/B tests allow near instantaneous upgrades
– Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) make for more rigorous evaluation
MPAD harnesses these innovations in technology and research to improve the lives of smallholder farmers. 
The Company is taking ideas from precision agriculture in developed countries and adapting them to the needs and constraints of farmers in Nigeria, because individual farmers are often not able to invest in data collection and experimentation themselves, MPAD brings this customized information to farmers’ fingertips. 
MAYAL Model:
Our model is to impact the lives of farmers through two channels:
– The MPAD Lab is where they design and operate a service for farmers, either as part of a research pilot or an on-going operation. These spaces serve as a “sandbox” for us to rigorously test ideas while at the same time providing a valuable service to the farmers we serve. We currently have certify labs in Kaduna, Jos, Lagos both in Nigeria the internally certified for food test and organic agriculture.
– The MPAD Partnership model is how we scale the ideas that work. Here we partner with governments and organizations (FMARD) with a shared vision of building, operating, and evaluating a service to farmers. They lend their expertise to co-develop these systems, to perform data analysis, to design pilots and experiments, and to offer advice on system improvements. We are currently proposing partnership with China, UK, US, FAO and other who may be of help to our vision.

Who We Are

Mayal Agricultural Services Co.Ltd (MASCO.LTD) is the fasted growing agronomy companies that connect farmers to buyers, provide agronomic & precision services to Farmers, Sales and hiring of farm machineries, production of Ginger, Turmeric, Rice, maize, sorghum, Beans and processed them to Ginger drinks, Spices, Ginger oils, Flour Mills, organic fertilizer, livestock farming and other agro allied value additions.

 The company is diversified and fully integrated agricultural company with the Headquarter in Kaduna State, North west Nigeria.

 The company is projecting to expand her area of interest in agriculture to southern and eastern part of Nigeria with traditional base foods processing plants.

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Our core values in 4E’S


  • Innovation of Different Ideas
  • Own the task
  • Take the risk
  • Create the profit
  • Break barriers


  • Get it done
  • Get it done now
  • Get it available always
  • Get it done very well and have the end in mind


  • Food production to feed nations
  • Satisfying both demand and supply
  • Break-even analysis
  • Organize the unorganized agro-business market
  • Developed agricultural entrepreneurship in Africa


  • Responsible and passionate
  • Surprise client’s expectations
  • Maintain quality standard
  • Make the world excited by our innovations
  • Meticulous and professional
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